פרטי המשלם

זכור אותי בדפדפן זה

חשוב: בשלב זה, לא ניתן לשלם עבור אירועים עסקיים באמצעות מערכת זו.
לתשלום עבור אירוע עסקי, לחץ כאן


Whether customer, business owner or any music user, we are here to make sure you have the appropriate license to play music in your private business.

Phone: 03-6113545
Email: acum-eruim@acum.org.il

All departments    

Phone: 03-6113545
Email: info-events@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113555
Email: zivr@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113550
Email: business@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113523
Email: films@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113453
Email: ohadn@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113453
Email: zivr@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113565
Email: mofaim@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113545
Email: acum-eruim@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113471
Email: karinp@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113425
Email: smadarn@acum.org.il

Phone: 03-6113400
Email: webmaster@acum.org.il

Didn't find the right license? Talk to us and we'll be happy to help you!