License to play music from the ACUM repertoire in public organizations such as radio, television, multi-channel television (cable and satellite)

Acum rate for broadcasting corporations

The rate is determined at the discretion of Acum and under its sole responsibility.

Public organizations - radio and television

The rate is based on a 10% pro-rata mode – based on the budget: (10%) X (percentage of use of the ACUM repertoire) X (amount of the budget) Or, the rate is based on a 10% pro-rata model – based on the income: (10%) X (percentage of use of the ACUM repertoire) X (amount of income)

Multi-channel TV (cable and satellite)

The rate is based on a 10% pro-rata model: (10%) X (percentage of use of the ACUM repertoire) X (amount of income)

Broadcasting corporations license

The license fee for broadcasting corporations is determined according to three main parameters.

  1. Extent of use of protected works.
  2. The degree of importance of the use of the protected work.
  3. The benefit that accrues to the user of the protected works, when this is expressed in the user's income.

It is accepted worldwide regarding the use of music in broadcasts, that the user must pay up to 10% of his income for the use of the works. The payment is subject to the the time of use of the protected works versus the total time of its broadcasts, with the exception of the broadcast time of third parties within the channel itself.

This rate is accepted both by the United Nations Organization for Education, "UNESCO" Culture and Science, the World Organization for Intellectual Property WIPO and in various countries, by legislation or by judicial decisions. The calculation of royalties according to these three parameters is fair and reasonable. On the one hand, the creators will receive royalties based on the actual use of their works, and on the other hand, the broadcasting corporations will only pay for the actual use they made of the protected works, taking into account the degree of importance of the use in their broadcasts and according to the benefit they derived from that use.

General Conditions:

  1. The above tariffs are published by ACUM Ltd- the Authors, Composers & Music Publishers Society in Israel (hereinafter “ACUM”). The rates are determined at ACUM’s discretion and exclusive responsibility.
  2. These tariffs do not constitute license to use works from ACUM repertoire. To obtain a license, the client has to apply to ACUM in writing and prior the beginning of the usage of the work.
  3. The final license fees are calculated according to data and parameters relevant to each client. Any applicant for a license undertakes to provide ACUM with any information required for the calculation of feasible and appropriated license fees.
  4. ACUM reserves the right to change the tariffs from time to time.
  5. In case of contradiction between any terms of the published tariffs and  those on the license agreed and signed by the licensee, the content of this license shall take precedence.
  6. The sums detailed on the tariffs do not include Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT will be added to any payment according to its legal rate, against a tax invoice as required by law.
  7. All the above is subject to the terms applicable to ACUM according to the determinations of the Competition Tribunal.

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Whether customer, business owner or any music user, we are here to make sure you have the appropriate license to play music in your private business.

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