License to play music on the hotel grounds for hotel guests for all types of hotels and all rating levels

Tariff 2024

  1. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire as incidental background music in the lobby and hallways, the dining room and the hotel elevator.
  2. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire on the hotel premises for events organized by the hotel as part of the hotel’s ongoing activity exclusively for the hotel’s guests, where this activity does not involve separate payment or an entrance fee, such as a performance by a singer, a D.J. set, dancing events, and so on (hereinafter: “entertainment shows”)
  3. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in the hotel’s rooms, so long as this activity does not involve separate payment by the hotel’s guests for this purpose.
  4. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in the hotel’s pool, as long as it is open to the hotel’s guests exclusively and not to the general public
  5. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in the hotel’s gym, as long as it is open to the hotel’s guests exclusively and not to the general public.
  6. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire, at random, on the hotel’s telephone service system (e.g. playing radio stations, playing songs from records, and so on). It is hereby clarified that the use of a work or several works in a manner that connects between the work/s and the hotel is forbidden according to this license and requires the arrangement of a separate license.

In a hotel which does not hold entertainment shows– for one room for one year – a total of 60 (sixty) ILS + VAT.

In a hotel which does hold entertainment shows – for one room for one year – a total of 100 (one hundred) ILS + VAT.

Hotels please note:

The aforementioned rate does not cover the activities listed below. For the avoidance of doubt, the hotel license does not include, among others, the following uses for which it is required to obtain a separate license, in advance and in writing:
  1. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire at business events, with or without an entrance fee, produced by the hotel or by external producers, and which take place on the hotel’s premises (e.g. workers committee events, various conferences, Bar Association conferences, CPAs conferences, events to promote the sales of a product / service, festivals, and so on). It is also clarified that even if the business event’s participants are guests of the hotel, this type of use is not included in the permit.
  2. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in shows with a separate payment or entrance fee which take place on the hotel’s premises (e.g. the Isrotel chain’s WOW performance).
  3. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in branded events or festivals taking place on the hotel’s premises or under its sponsorship, with or without an entrance fee. For example, the Rock Festival or the “Teimaniada”. A branded event is an event where the hotel collaborates with another commercial company and it is aimed at promoting or advertising a brand, product, or service.
  4. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in events where most of the works in the performance belong to a single composer (e.g. tributes for a certain writer / composer).
  5. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in family events taking place in the hotel, including in the hotel’s reception hall.
  6. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in a pub on the hotel’s premises, which is open to the general public.
  7. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in a restaurant on the hotel’s premises, which is open to the general public.
  8. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in a gym on the hotel’s premises, which is open to the general public.
  9. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in the pool area, which is open to the general public.
  10. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire in the hotel’s rooms, which involves a separate payment by the hotel’s guests for this purpose.
  11. Public performance of works from the ACUM repertoire on the hotel’s telephone system in a manner that connects between the work/s and the hotel (e.g. using a certain work at the telephone service system regularly).
  12. Public performance in stores that are on the hotel’s premises which are rented out to third parties (such as: hairdressers and so on).
  13. Public performance of dramatic and dramatic musical works (“Grand Rights”)
  14. Recording and/or production of a movie (combining a work/s from the ACUM repertoire in a movie (synchronization)).
  15. Use of works from the ACUM repertoire on the internet.
  16. Use of works from the ACUM repertoire for commercials.
  17. Copying of ACUM repertoire works.
  18. Permission to use recordings (master) and/or performers rights. These rights are not managed by ACUM.
  19. Granting permission to write an arrangement or adaptation of a certain work from the ACUM repertoire. For example, this permit does not include permission for entertainment teams to arrange and/or translate and/or adapt a work without receiving permission from the works’ right holders.
  20. Any other use which has not been explicitly permitted.

In accordance with the terms set by the antitrust court, it is the right of a user who disputes the new rate to pay ACUM temporary user fees, that is, to continue paying the rate agreed upon between ACUM and the user prior to the change. In such a case ACUM will appeal to the authorized court with a claim to receive the difference between the sum of royalties demanded by it and the temporary user fees (unless a suitable arbitration bill had been signed).

* The terms for ACUM’s operation may be found on its website at the address .

Hereunder the interim tariff for the public performance from ACUM repertoire in hotels area for hotel guests, according to license terms:

Level of the hotel by former stars
(in accordance with the Ministry of Tourism)
Number of rooms Annual sum in NIS (excluding VAT)
All hotels Up to 50


3 or less Up to 75


3 or less Up to 150


3 or less Above 150


4 Up to 200


4 Above 200


5 Up to 200


5 Above 200



  1. The tariff for public performances of ACUM repertoire in family events taking place in banquet halls in hotel area is NIS 300 + VAT. The royalties are payable through the ACUM website at or by telephone to payment center 03- 6113530. Notwithstanding, if the majority of the participants at the events are hotel guests, staying at the hotel , the event will be covered by the annual license.
  2. Public performance of ACUM repertoire at events generated by external producers, held in the hotel and not intended to hotel guests (for example: committee works, conferences, etc.) will be priced according to ACUM's tariffs.
  3. Hereunder the discounts for the usage of ACUM repertoire which is not covered by the tariff for Hotels:
    • Public performance of ACUM repertoire in pubs in the hotel's area, with a separate exterior entrance and also open to the general public a discount rate of 10% on the ACUM tariff for pubs.
    • Public performance of ACUM repertoire in restaurants in the hotel's area, with a separate exterior entrance and also open to the general public a discount rate of 15% on the ACUM tariff for restaurants.
    • Public performance of ACUM repertoire in the hotel's health club with more than 75 external members a discount rate of 10% on the ACUM tariff for health clubs.
  4. The above tariff is determined in accordance with the agreement between the Hotel Association and ACUM
First year discount:

A user for which the current year is the first year of business will benefit from a 10% discount on the tariff for the first year of his activities. The discount will be granted under the condition that the royalties will be paid close to the opening and supported by the relevant official documents stating the start of business date.

General Conditions:

  1. The above tariffs are published by ACUM Ltd- the Authors, Composers & Music Publishers Society in Israel (hereinafter “ACUM”). The rates are determined at ACUM’s discretion and exclusive responsibility.
  2. These tariffs do not constitute license to use works from ACUM repertoire. To obtain a license, the client has to apply to ACUM in writing and prior the beginning of the usage of the work.
  3. The final license fees are calculated according to data and parameters relevant to each client. Any applicant for a license undertakes to provide ACUM with any information required for the calculation of feasible and appropriated license fees.
  4. ACUM reserves the right to change the tariffs from time to time.
  5. In case of contradiction between any terms of the published tariffs and  those on the license agreed and signed by the licensee, the content of this license shall take precedence.
  6. The sums detailed on the tariffs do not include Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT will be added to any payment according to its legal rate, against a tax invoice as required by law.
  7. All the above is subject to the terms applicable to ACUM according to the determinations of the Competition Tribunal.

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Whether customer, business owner or any music user, we are here to make sure you have the appropriate license to play music in your private business.

Phone: 03-6113550

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